Some recently published articles about gopher tortoises and upland communities in the Southeast. Also check out GTC's Education & Outreach for more literature, including snake and tortoise bibliographies!
Blonder, B.I., K.J. Liedtke, and S.E. Stephens. 2021. Changes in coastal gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) burrow characteristics and density following hurricane events in Northeast Florida, USA: Implications for conservation planning. Global Ecology and Conservation 25
Burrow, A.K., B.A. Crawford, and J.C. Maerz. 2021. Ground cover and native ant predation influence survival of metamorphic amphibians in Southeastern pine savanna undergoing restoration. Restoration Ecology
Epperson, D.M., C.R. Allen, and K.F.E. Hogan. Red imported fire ants reduce invertebrate abundance, richness, and diversity in gopher tortoise burrows. 2021. Diversity 13(1)
Folt, B., J.M. Goessling, A. Tucker, C. Guyer, S. Hermann, E. Shelton-Nix, and C. McGowan. 2021. Contrasting patterns of demography and population viability among gopher tortoise populations in Alabama. Journal of Wildlife Management https://doi:10.1002/jwmg.21996
Goessling, J.M., and M.T. Mendonça. 2021. Physiological responses of gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) to trapping. Conservation Physiology 9(1) https://doi:10.1093/conphys/coab003
Goetz, S.M., D.A. Steen, M.A. Miller, C. Guyer, J. Kottwitz, J.F. Roberts, E. Blankenship, P.R. Pearson, D.A. Warner, and R.N. Reed. 2021. Argentine black and white tegu (Salvator merianae) can survive the winter under semi-natural conditions well beyond their current invasive range. PLoS ONE
Hunter, E.A., and D.C. Rostal. 2021. Fire management effects on long-term gopher tortoise population dynamics. Journal of Wildlife Management
McKee, R.K., K.A. Buhlmann, C.T. Moore, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and T.D. Tuberville. 2021. Waif gopher tortoise survival and site fidelity following translocation. Journal of Wildlife Management
Murphy, C.M., L.L. Smith, J.J. O'Brien, and S.B. Castleberry. 2021. A comparison of vertebrate assemblages at gopher tortoise burrows and stump holes in the longleaf pine ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management 482
Murphy, C.M., L.L. Smith, J.J. O'Brien, and S.B. Castleberry. 2021. Overwintering habitat selection of the eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) in the longleaf pine ecosystem. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 16(1): 203-210
Tuberville, T.D., D.P. Quinn, and K.A. Buhlmann. 2021. Movement and survival to winter dormancy of fall-released hatchling and head-started yearling gopher tortoises. Journal of Herpetology