Some recently published articles about gopher tortoises and upland communities in the Southeast. Also check out GTC's Education & Outreach for more literature, including snake and tortoise bibliographies!
Figueroa, A., J. Lange, and S.M. Whitfield. 2021. Seed consumption by gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) in the globally imperiled pine rockland ecosystem of southern Florida, USA. Chelonian Conservation and Biology
Offner, T., T.S. Campbell, and S.A. Johnson. 2021. Diet of the invasive Argentine black and white tegu in central Florida. Southeastern Naturalist
Smith, L.L., J.M. Howze, J.S. Staiger, E.R. Sievers, D. Burr, and K.M. Enge. 2021. Added value: Gopher tortoise surveys provide estimates of gopher frog abundance in tortoise burrows. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management
Snow, F.H., A.B. Safer, D.J. Stevenson, and H.C. Chandler. 2021. Use of a novel refuge type by eastern indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi) in Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist
Sperry, J.H., P.J. Wolff, C.A. Melder, J.G. Nevarez, S.D. Huskins, and S.E. Pearce. Habitat use, activity patterns, and survival of Louisiana pinesnakes (Pituophis ruthveni) in west-central Louisiana. 2021. Southeastern Naturalist
Stevenson, D.J., N.L. Hysop, C. Layton, J. Godlewski, and F.H. Snow. 2021. Nesting sites of the eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) in Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist