Some recently published articles about gopher tortoises, their commensals, and upland communities in the southeast. Check out GTC's Education & Outreach page for more literature, including snake and tortoise bibliographies.
Crawford, B.A., J.C. Maerz, V.C.K. Terrell, and C.T. Moore. 2022. Population viability analysis for a pond-breeding amphibian under future drought scenarios in the southeastern United States. Global Ecology and Conservation
Folt, B., M. Marshall, J. Emanuel, M. Dziadzio, J. Cooke, L. Mena, M. Hinderliter, S. Hoffman, N. Rankin, J. Tupy, and C. McGowan. 2022. Using predictions from multiple anthropogenic threats to estimate future population persistence of an imperiled species. Global Ecology and Conservation.
Hartmann, A.M., M.L. Maddox, R.J. Ossibof, and A.V. Longo. 2022. Sustained Ranavirus outbreak causes mass mortality and morbidity of imperiled amphibians in Florida. EcoHealth
Marshall, C.D., J.C. Maerz, A.L. Larsen-Gray, M.J. Chamberlain, and J.A. Martin. 2022. Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) resource selection within a private working pine (Pinus spp.) forest landscape. Forest Ecology and Management
Royal, E.J., D.U. Greene, D.A. Miller, and J.D. Willson. 2022. Influence of landscape and vegetation characteristics on herpetofaunal assemblages in Gulf Coastal Plain pine forests. Journal of Wildlife Management.
Whitfield, S.M., D. Valle, A. Figueroa, B. Chin, H. Bravo-Gallegos, and F. Leone. 2022. Burrow characteristics and habitat associations of gopher tortoises in urban pine rockland reserves (Miami, Florida, USA). Ichthyology and Herpetology