Some recently published articles about gopher tortoises, their commensals, and upland communities in the southeast. Check out GTC's Education & Outreach page for more literature, including snake and tortoise bibliographies.
Arbogast, B.S., S.J. KAmel, N.T. Akers, and J.G. Hall. 2022. Kinship and breeding site philopatry drive fine-scale genetic structure in fragmented populations of the gopher frog (Rana capito) in North Carolina. Journal of Herpetology
Bauder, J.M., H.C. Chandler, M.L. Elmore, and C.L. Jenkins. 2022. Incorporating habitat suitability, landscape distance, and resistant kernels to estimate conservation units for an imperiled terrestrial snake. Landscape Ecology
Castellón, T.D., B.B. Rothermel, J.L. Beck, J.L. Fort, and K.M. O'Connor. 2022. Divergent size-class distributions of gopher tortoise burrows in scrub and flatwoods habitats of peninsular Florida. Chelonian Conservation and Biology
Crawford, B.A., A.L. Farmer, K.M. Enge, A.H. Greene, L. Diaz, J.C. Maerz, C.T. Moore. 2022. Breeding dynamics of gopher frog metapopulations over 10 years. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management
Kelley, A.G., S.M. Welch, J. Holloway, J.W. Dillman, A. Atkinson, and J.L. Waldron. 2022. Effectiveness of long-distance translocation of eastern diamondback rattlesnakes. Wildlife Society Bulletin
Stemle, L. B.B. Rothermel, and C.A. Searcy. 2022. GPS technology reveals larger home ranges for immature gopher tortoises. Journal of Herpetology